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I have hidden your Word in my heart, O, Lord, that I might not sin against you.
Psalms 119:11
Prayer Card #1
"And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1:5

The Sower is an inspirational faith-based website designed to sow seeds for souls, informing and encouraging people in The Wisdom of God through Scripture, prayer cards, articles, videos, and more.

My Miracle: Pt. I
How to express the warmth, love, the big hug, and overwhelming exhilaration of Jesus appearing to me in my own backyard... "He is here. Jesus is in my backyard."

Transforming the Voices of the earth.
All the media formats available to us nowadays, sometimes called “the voices of earth,” can oftentimes be overwhelming, smothering, if not downright evil; but if our hearts and minds are anchored in Jesus Christ, we can help transform them into good.


When you look at the cross, you see the heart of Jesus.
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